Creativity at work, the sound of unexpectedly blended genres emerging as immediately likable, engaging and impressive – Illuminati G offers up a full-length album of precisely these qualities and more.
Offering up a fine injection of authentic rock and roll working in unison with hip hop, the punk-rock core of Power stands tall amidst a quickly captivating vocal performance – one that effectively gives the song every bit of relevant Power it requires to hit with true impact.
Summer has arrived, and Joe Settineri has collaborated with producer Eletropoint to offer music fans a beautifully uplifting, self-empowering new anthem; designed for & dedicated to celebrating the good times & encouraging self-belief.
Producer and songwriter Ronni Zag stylishly brings together the best of his abilities in both sound design and songwriting for this gorgeously soulful, uplifting bounce of a single.
Driving with wholly captivating lyrics, the sort that leave you holding on intently for every bar and idea, Beauty is everything the title promises and then some.
A powerful gift, timeless and perfectly well-catered to help any and all listeners find and center themselves – regardless of how complex and confusing the outside world may be.
Sometimes it’s the seemingly simple songs that take you to the most complex of places. Time Of My Life is a perfect example.
Each track has its own setting, its own mood, memories, and associated images. To transform these visual musings into music is a wonderful thing.
A beautifully thoughtful, deep-thinking & poetic single, which sets the mood for its late-night contemplation & melancholy with pristine ambiance & notable vulnerability in the lyrics.
These beach-like, steel-drum-style outpourings add a gorgeous change in direction, and as the track goes on the energy & togetherness seems to grow stronger all the more so.
After a series of stunning singles, the one and only Anthony Nelson & The Overcomers have finally released a brand new EP of originals – a longer playlist of soulful, inspiring and hopeful tracks, crafted and performed to the sensational quality consistently delivered from the act.
A joyful hit of organic funk and some infectious animated dancing is just about the perfect temporary remedy for feelings of isolation – of longing for the festivals and events our summers usually grace us with.