Dreamy and colourful production sets a mellow vibe and stylishly contrasts the up-front, breathy and indie-rock style vocals of this uniquely contemplative, ambient new single rom Benjamin Kitay.
Barely gracing three minutes but boldly immersive in its vast, enveloping sound-design and quickly addictive energy.
Make Believe celebrates imaginative play and poetic depth in the most skilful and openly passionate manner.
From ambient, cinematic and softly industrial beginnings, through an explosive progression of distortion and weight, MicroAgression proves both contemplative and fierce by nature.
Leading with creativity, confidence and unstoppable work ethic, rapper and producer Connor Musarra boasts a plethora of accolades thanks to a 200-day streak of releasing a track daily.
Crisp and clean guitar work guides us into a riff-strong and partly acoustic alt-rock anthem from emotive songwriter David Brookings, as the melodically seductive and poignant Hard Times pours through.
Impactful and appropriately addictive to listen to, ADDICTION proves a timeless hit, and a bold introduction to the artist.
Creative as ever, a fine testament to the fearless production traits of DJ Super Will, and a refreshingly interesting alternative dance track that provokes thought and offers effective escapism at the very same time.
Dreamy synth-pop carefully designed to light up the room – Germany’s temp.tone keep things colourful, emotive and immersive throughout a series of originals.
Late night vibes combine the nostalgia of the rave with a contemporary edge of angst and infectious trap rhythms – DPLR and PEACH collaborate to striking results for a hard-hitting, unmistakable Zagazaga.
One year on and DJ Kazo continues to mix things up – Newbie leads with rising anticipation from the outset, quickly enveloping listeners in its potential energy and the high-octane embrace set to follow.
Loaded with imagery that initially feels like something clever to hide behind, the song ultimately reverts back to a revealing search for self.