Storytelling and evocative musicianship make up this bright and uniquely expressive collaborative single from Clay Joule, Truwan Studio and Elisa Mammoliti.
Known for her appearances on the hit TV show Shahs of Sunset, Sara Jeihooni continues her reign in shifting gears to embrace the audio realm, with the sultry presence and melodic, rhythmic appeal of this new single.
Hopeful by nature yet also consistently genuine in its humanity and heart, Brave introduces a songwriter with a unique balance between audience awareness and fearless integrity.
In an age where the idea of the album has come to face struggles in relevance or attention maintaining, Funny Storm Vol. 1 hits with consistently likable impact, offering an eclectic playlist of clever bars, stylish production and a skillful balance between simple fun and somewhat more contemplative, conscious references.
Soaring electronic sound-design and haunting vocals unite, as North Carolina duo Waking April offer an immersive and fearlessly left-field cover of a Soundgarden gem.
Taking the classic Rap and RnB fans back to a simpler era, whilst raising the bar for the modern scene with clarity, confidence and creativity, No Deal pours through complete with an equally retro yet crisp set of visuals, and makes for a brilliantly memorable debut from Z.M.A.
Artistry and romantic adoration walk hand in hand, for the intimate and lyrically beautiful Avani.
Aptly-titled and consistently in tune with its own intentions, Johnathan Dax’ new single These Are The Days presents an inspiring, uplifting sentiment and sound.
Hedy Lamarr and Alan Turing had a phenomenal impact on today’s society, with the former being considered the creator of Wifi and Bluetooth, and the latter deciphering the Enigma code to essentially free Europe from Nazi rule (as well as gifting us the now infamous AI).
Electro-pop with a twist of cleanly-mixed singer-songwriter authenticity, How The Curtain Closes reflects in an original and engaging way, on the all-too-familiar topic of friendships that come to an end – people who grow apart.
The storytelling is second to none, the self-reflection honest yet relatable, and the musicality and performances simple yet stunning.
It’s a familiar concept, though not one often discussed in music – that of falling into a deep sleep, into a favorable and vivid dream, then waking and wishing to find that same realm and story once again.