Ooberfuse - Don't Let it Go - Stereo Stickman

Ooberfuse Don’t Let it Go


With all that is wrong in the world right now, so many of us want to make a difference, we want to show support – it’s just difficult sometimes to know quite where to begin. Change is always possible, you can trust in that, but you have to use your voice; you have to stand up for what you believe in.

What we need is more people around the world who are celebrating their differences, celebrating individuality, supporting change, and sharing words of love and positivity. We need more music to make people smile in the world.


Bringing British Dancepop and Electronica back into our lives, with a gloriously joyful video shining the spotlight over the unique lives of people living in Myanmar (formally Burma), Ooberfuse are quite literally giving us an uber fusion of cultures. If you haven’t found your smile yet today, this is right where you need to be.

In a video that is the absolute first of it’s kind, Ooberfuse present to the world a celebration of all that is weird, wacky, and wonderful about life in Myanmar. Featuring the cheroot smoking ladies of Bagan, the dignified Kayan Lahwi (long necked women wearing brass coils to lengthen and support their necks), and many more joyful and beautiful faces, ‘Don’t Let it Go’ was shot in a busy central Myanmar market place, and it highlights a stunning selection of national traditions; not least of all some eye catching local dance moves.

The track itself showcases some classic 90’s beatpop dance music, with anthemic melodies and summer time synthesizers. It’s a light and happy sounding expression of positive energy, with quick rhyming lyrics from a curious and confident mind – “The highs, the lows, the yes, the no’s.. The love will grow.. Don’t let it go.” Their back catalogue of songs features consistently similar positive vibes, “We believe in you”, “One Reality”, “Still Love My Enemies”, “We are one”. The people of Britain and Myanmar alike can join together in favour of these kind of messages.

In their own words, Ooberfuse said of the video :


“The metallica dimension adds to the portraits of eastern-exotica, highlighting the dignified elegance of long-standing and quickly disappearing cultural practices.”


See for yourself. This is genuinely a unique offering, one of a kind, and worth a watch by anyone and everyone. Go ahead.



Despite the distant cultural focus of the video for ‘Don’t Let it Go’, Ooberfuse are actually an electronica band based in Woolwich, London. The duo at the forefront of the act, Hal and Cherrie, describe their music as “audio footprints left behind by people impelled towards invisible things”. They seem to search for the deeper meanings in life, and the more you listen to their lyrics, the more you will start to understand what it is that drives them to create in such a way.

Sharing the video is a great way to show a little support to these guys, as well as to give those you care for something that will make them smile today. Little moments like this make up the brighter parts of life.

To get on board and support the band in all of their future endeavors, you can find and follow them on Facebook and Twitter, visit and browse their Website, sample a whole lot more of their music on Soundcloud, and keep an eye out for their upcoming and beautifully titled EP ‘Freedom From Fear’.

They also have a fair few more visual offerings on Youtube that are worth checking out, and as if that wasn’t enough – they even put out their own podcasts – visit their Website to find out more.

Get involved today. Share the positive vibes.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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