Mr MooQ’s triumphant return this month brings a single that wholly and unequivocally celebrates the singer’s love for a significant other.
Far from vague and all-inclusive as a love song, Adelina openly addresses one specific person, and the lyrics work hard to further that deeply personal backbone.
From a songwriting perspective, Adelina builds up beautifully, soon becoming something of an Africa style anthem, with unique rhythms and layers of bright synths and choir-like vocals. In amidst this though, certain moments fall away and return to the quiet of the introduction.
The lyrics follow a similarly varied pathway, balancing admirable loving qualities and appreciation with subtle hints of excessive passion and even infatuation. Lines like I killed the man that took your love from me really re-direct the experience. Then of course we get the poetic resolve of The desert wind will blow my spirit free, which furthers the intrigue and prompts you to really consider the whole song on some other level.
There’s a deeper, perhaps somewhat untold story underneath all of this, and for all of these reasons, Adelina is perhaps the most unexpected, unapologetically honest love song to emerge in quite some time.
Find & follow Mr MooQ on Facebook or visit his Website.