A fabulously pure lead vocal adorns this song with some very direct and clear communication. The initial spectral production provides it with a moody bedrock of ‘roomy’ piano, with delay and the ubiquitous finger snaps to soar over.
It starts off sounding like it might be a tribute to Adele’s Hello, but as soon as the vocal begins, a new, more urgent rhythm is established, and the reverb-heavy voice takes us calmly and confidently by the hand – leading us to the more upbeat chorus. Here, a few more flavours of digital percussion step everything up a notch, and synth sweeps and scratch noises are established.
The vocals are subtly layered up in carefully-chosen moments, and there are also subtle Vocoder instances happening. Then of course there is a nod to Lorde’s style (Royals). Throughout, there’s a lightness of touch that’s immediately appealing.
‘Be patient / Be patient’: three-quarters of the way through, a smooth rap is introduced, inviting us to ‘take a moment to enjoy and let the love just flow’. Its rhythms lead us on an interesting path into a final set of choruses where some production flourishes augment the established riffs and voices. It also introduces a new colour of interest, which keeps the listener focused and entertained.
In terms of construction and a high-gloss finish, We Are One does a great job of delivering a positive message in a bright, contemporary way, with loads of pop nous.
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