Gentle synths and intimate piano lay the foundations for the breathy and genuine outpouring of reflections that make up the brand new single from Marc Biala.
Featuring subtle vocal harmonies and a clear sense of longing and warmth carefully intertwined, Been Everywhere But Me is a profound retelling of the turmoil that inevitability comes from living a life incompatible with our authentic selves.
Psychiatric professional come artist and songwriter Marc Biala holds close to an emotive and heartfelt core as a modern musician. Been Everywhere But Me has the makings of a timeless pop ballad, only it leads with an original, impassioned voice, and a humble build-up through lyrics both poetic and personal.
The sentimental value is distinct, this concept of trying to fit someone else’s mold – denying our own truth in favour of ‘wearing their colours and playing their games’. The resolving statement is that ‘I’ve been everywhere but me’ – a powerful reflection of modern times, perhaps; this idea of constantly reaching out to connect by way of imitation or attempting to adore things and lifestyles that don’t align with who we truly are.
As a transgender specialist, Marc Biala’s approach is clearly one of self-compassion and acceptance, and the classic pop production and soulful performance of Been Everywhere But Me rings loud in light of that.
Find Marc Biala on X, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram.