Celebrating and cleverly exploring the end of an era – of high school – a fresh-faced, confident and vocally superb Logan Alexandra offers a detailed and boldly relevant pop hit; complete with an equally relatable video for those going through a similar time in their lives.
Offering a classic pop set-up but impressively long-form verses, the song feels familiar but manages to hold attention well. These long-form, faster verses resolve with a passionate yet simple hook – somewhat unusual, the opposite of more common set-ups – and all of this helps give the song a likable appeal.
Weave in an acoustic middle-8, a sudden injection of soul and depth, of thoughtfulness and poetry, and the track very quickly elevates itself from good to great. ‘You can’t replace the younger you’ resounds and compels, right before the hook kicks back in for one last dance.
Far from the simplicity implied by the artwork and a brief, distant listen. A great pop track, in short. Logan Alexandra is undoubtedly one to watch.
Check out Logan Alexandra on IG or visit her Website.