Adopting a brilliantly colourful and energetic, punk-pop performance style and set up, Life As Mary’s latest release is easily one of their most attention grabbing and memorable to date – an impressive achievement, considering how catchy and likable all of their releases have been so far.
Time Is Out offers up an addictively enthusiastic fusion of influences – a touch of The Dresden Dolls, a dash of Pixies, a hint of all that was the nineties. The result is something that creates its own story around you, almost feeling like a short film – complete with sound design details and a hook that repeats and engages you just enough so to make it stick.
While the song begins with a clean-cut and quickly entertaining verse section, this is a somewhat minimalist moment compared to the warmth and apparent pace increase that entrances you later on. Though it’s a big beginning, a full sound layered with early detail, things undoubtedly start to envelop you more and more so with each new moment.

Time Is Out pours lyric after lyric into the process, the lead singer presenting each moment with just enough theatrics to draw you over – the melody building and finding itself with just enough of a hypnotic rhythm to keep you there until the end. And these are great lyrics, classically relevant, nostalgic and hooky all at once.
Then you get the audio details on top of this, memories fusing with literal examples – the whistles, the sudden fall away to quiet and calm half way through – the band know how to utilize creative contrast incredibly well; and how to craft an experience that completely takes over the room.
REM, poetry, Siouxsie and the Banshees, gin, amphetamines – this is a bizarre and brilliantly unexpected trip down memory lane in more ways than one. Movie-ready yet perfectly capable in itself of being the anthem and alternative hit 2019 has been crying out for.
Another fantastic song, from a band who make their own rules and pave their own way in the music world.
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