Kan Did - Mimi - Stereo Stickman

Kan Did Mimi


Simple acoustic vibes brought to life by a soulful and uplifting groove – Kan Did brings the simplicity of a strong hook to the forefront of infectious music, with the beautifully addictive appeal of Mimi.

Familiar but unignorably likable, Mimi starts off with its hook placement, paired vocals adding an almost Gospel-esque tone to an otherwise Dancehall meets Afrobeat and RnB arrangement. Following this, we soon get a notably World-music inspired rhythm, which effectively moves things along with grace and style.

Naturally a smooth summer track to get you geared up for a great time, Mimi is intoxicating in its simple but striking presentation. Lush vocals, colourful production, strings and further layers of voice and details all subtly raising the bar for this quickly engaging performance.

Kan Did hits with impact for this release. An easy gem from the genre, an artist with a strong image and sound, slowly carving out a lane – four thousand followers and continuing. Stay tuned.

Find Kan Did on Instagram & Soundcloud.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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