Ten original songs, an impassioned vocal, organic rock set-up and delivery style – writing that seamlessly unites the poetic and the personal – Jordan Seven launches the brand new album 7, in celebration of years of heartfelt songwriting and musicianship.
Beginning with the bold and inspiring Every Moment, the 7 album is off to a poetic and powerful start, Jordan Seven’s raw and energised vocal fiercely distinct amidst these rise and fall lines of verse. The music welcomes both acoustic and mildly amplified elements, and all in all appears to capture a genuine live sound that rings loud as authentic in the current space.
Musically the repertoire is eclectic by nature, the switch to Zephyr Girl instantly leading with a single strum of a guitar and a sort of Americana-esque, reverb-drenched vocal. Things build, the drama of the drumline injects energy, a choir of voices thickens the resolving lines, and all the while these poetic images and the growing boldness of the set-up delivers a personal yet accessible ode to a special kind of woman.

Style shifts again for Solid Ground, a sultry to blues-rock cinematic stomp of a track, with quieter vocals nearly whispering a story of overcoming the weaker or darker parts of our nature. This track depicts the true energy and versatility of Jordan Seven, offering a classic rock and roll presence that would shine well in the stage setting.
We then move into the acoustic brightness and calm of A New Morning, a simple yet likable song, a self-defined ‘anthem of hope’, again captured with the live organic set-up authentically at the forefront.
Believe In Me is a stand-out moment. Jordan’s voice peaks in this pure rock setting, dedicating the style to Southern Rock, and the lyrics to a significant other. The song openly requests support in chasing this individual lifelong dream – a familiar concept but not one often utilised in song or other art forms. ‘Believe and let me go’ resounds in a way that’s likely a relatable consideration for so many other creatives and musicians.
After this, the dramatic tumble of the drums and the soaring electric guitar sound of So Far Away dives into the complexities of love and patience. An intimate song of romance and longing, the track features poetic and personal reflections in unison as ever, and makes for a boldly vulnerable moment of both passion and uncertainty.
Other highlights from the newly compiled album include the keys and guitar combo of a mellow, shoulder-swaying When The Rain Is Coming Down. Here our protagonist counters the optimism of the soundscape, with lyrics that initially feel melancholy. However, in the end we get a song of inspiration and hope once again – a reminder to connect with the things that really matter in life, rather than the superficiality of accolades and surface level achievements. It’s another melodic earworm, with an anthemic hook both heartfelt and uplifting.
High-octane guitar riffs and distortion later raises the roof for the up-tempo rock and roll hit Come Back, Jenny. The choir of voices, the musical unity, the energy, all showcases an act who would put on a wild and wonderful live show – right before the nostalgic old-school rock sound reaches a distorted crescendo, for the doubled vocals and progressive, darker grunge tones of The Throes Of Winter.
Jordan’s voice now maintains a thread of clear identity, but the music hits with a sense of depth and intensity not stumbled upon before in this playlist, and as such, highlights the more medieval nature of these scenes and images quite perfectly. It’s a song about never giving up, even when the odds are stacked high against you. It’s a harder rock sound but it ultimately holds close to the inspiring sentiments that elevate much of the 7 album in its entirety.
Wrapping things up is a poetic and introspective song, with a melancholic but addictive melody and humanity at its core. Silent River has the feel of a Pink Floyd track on occasion, at other times leaning more towards the contemporary soft rock bands of recent decades. Then for the hook, we veer towards a kind of more country-pop chorus of positivity and calm – a crescendo represented both melodically and lyrically.
Jordan Seven embraces the creative process, the organic rock guitars and songwriting of this album feeling well-rooted in identity and direction, whilst offering a welcomed degree of versatility that’s less often found in modern albums.
Find Jordan Seven on Facebook & Instagram.