“The garden is full of all the creatures of the world…”
From stripped-back, intimate beginnings, through a fully impassioned realm of voice, soundscape and energy, Jordan Maye takes listeners on a beautifully poetic and inspiring journey, for the brief yet striking Tarot.
Following the simple familiarity of a piano lead and cleanly-mixed, mildly theatrical though personal vocals, Tarot weaves an intriguing web of equal parts imagery and concept. The mind wanders as each new scene and idea pours through, and meanwhile the production welcomes subtle traits of reinforcement – choir-like vocal backup, strings, dramatic drum hits, details – all of which further underlines the wave-like rise and fall of our protagonist’s delivery.
Initially laying bare an acoustic presence that will no doubt work its magic in the solo setting, Tarot goes on to highlight that theatrical aspect with a fully-loaded set-up of multiple instruments and voices. The potential for a bigger arrangement during a live show seems just as alluring as that of the unplugged. And all of these qualities ring loud throughout Jordan Maye’s repertoire – songs that utilize an unmistakable vocal identity, alongside deeply thought-provoking reflections on modern life and the self.
Consider the rising progressive rock intensity of Deranged, again profoundly honest and personal yet relatable as it boldly sweeps the listener off their feet. Another fiercely immersive production, with heavier rock tendencies to shine light on another side of this artist – and still that voice, this rise and fall writing style, and the musings at the heart of it all, remains recognizable.
Also worth hearing is the acoustic finger-picked tones of a quiet and thoughtful Tuesday. Canned vocals present a subtle Green Day influence as imagery and memories again take listeners somewhere new.
Evidently blending work ethic, talent and an unwavering devotion to the process, Jordan Maye looks set to hit the indie realm with impact. The professionalism and impressive versatility of these three singles speaks volumes, and the poignancy and inspiring optimism of Tarot effectively elevates that strength to greater levels still.
Promising both an array of in-depth contemplation, and the creative freedom of an artist uninhibited by industry expectations, the months ahead should be bright. Well-worth tuning in for.
Find all things Jordan Maye here or follow on Instagram.