Jordan Kobo’s new single effectively brings together the punk-pop freedom of the nineties with a notably crisp, contemporary finish, and a hit of original songwriting that quickly appeals.
The raw presentation of I’m Not Crazy reaches out from the offset – a simple set-up, minimalist even, to begin with, as Jordan’s voice lays bare these intimate, revealing details that seem all at once very personal and vague enough to connect.
The sound is refreshing right now – this guy-next-door, accessible vocal tone, almost carefree in its laid-back delivery, plus the open and clear-cut nature of the lyrics.
Things progress in a classic pop-punk fashion, before resolving and satisfying as the song’s hook kicks into gear. At this point, the drums pick up energy, the soundscape fills out, and a few more vocals come into play to heighten the passion and outcry of the moment.
Half the time I don’t know what I’m doing, but I’m doing just fine…
There aren’t too many bands or artists making music in this way anymore, which is a shame. Think back to the first time you heard The Offspring or Blink 182 – there was something new and exciting and unapologetic about it. The lyrics took on a small, personal subject matter, and the song went through its various stages in a passionate and fun way. This is precisely what I’m Not Crazy offers up.
Furthermore, the concept seems, either accidentally or not, perfectly in tune with the feelings and thoughts so many are likely to have been experiencing throughout 2020. Uncertainty, confusion, self-questioning and contemplation of the bigger picture. It’s a profound and powerful topic, explored honestly, in an engaging manner, and with a certain lightness and bounce that ultimately helps soften the blow.
Turn this one up loud and let go for a while.
Find & follow Jordan Kobo on Facebook & Instagram.
Holy cow, you sure know how to write. Jordan and I thank you
Such an amazing song