James Cantey - Tonight - Stereo Stickman

James Cantey Tonight


Something profoundly unique now, to recapture any wandering minds – to provoke thought on both the topic and style of the music. Artist and musician James Cantey leads us by way of a haunting two-note piano part, into the chaotic electronic-rock and choir-like depths of Tonight.

An ever-shifting sonic landscape, the first thirty seconds pair piano and bass for an intriguing sense of rising anticipation. Soon enough we evolve into a new melodic chapter, and later we get this voice – a raw indie storyteller, woven into an otherwise immense instrumental explosion of distortion and delicacy intertwined. There’s even something like bagpipes threaded into the mix.

The voice captures a whole new part of the mood, with the piercing opening lyric – “You don’t matter at all.” It’s a darkness resounding in the music and tone, and yet it’s later overcome as we explore a more Faith-driven journey that focuses on prayer and celebration in the moment.

As the halfway mark hits, we think we’ve heard all the creative corners of this release, but we’re then introduced to a horn section, and afterwards, a return to that bass-led groove as we descend further into contemplation.

It’s a fascinating structure, distinct in everything from design to vocal tone and lyric, and it’s impossible to pigeon-hole in terms of the genre and energy presented. Versatility is key, but so too is the recognisable voice at the forefront – James Cantey lets passion and artistry guide, every step of the way.

Find James Cantey on Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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