Jacob Goldberg - Gladiator - Stereo Stickman

Jacob Goldberg Gladiator


Great production and a strong distorted riff kicks off the explorative and epic new single from Jacob Goldberg.

The vocals are introduced quickly, only ten seconds in, but that soundscape continues to resound and evolve – a fully loaded set-up from distorted guitars to piano, synths, and a high-octane electronic drumline.

Lyrically Jacob Goldberg delves into an historical story of both poetic and literal reflections on the life of the Gladiator. Things begin as a sort of twist of progressive metal storytelling, but later enter a notably more personal realm, as the metaphorical depth of the song begins to speak out.

From ‘darkness in the colosseum’ and a multitude of memorable rhymes, to the more contemporary and relatable – ‘here’s why you monsters thrive, even as I end you, you don’t say goodbye.’, Gladiator intertwines the distant past with modern-day living. Our protagonist seems at first to be playing a character, then later admits to a more intimate outpouring of self-belief in the face of struggle and these ‘demons’ that try to redirect us.

An electronic rock track in essence, with cleanly-mixed vocals that unignorably deliver the complexities of this concept, Gladiator is unorthodox yet likable in both its tuneful rise and fall, and its presentation. It will be interesting to hear where else the music takes Jacob Goldberg in the coming months.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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