Kicking off a long-awaited follow-up to his 2014 EP, Texas songwriter and artist J.T. Pinkham re-emerges with a beautifully soulful, mature and poetic pop-rock single that quickly draws affection.
The new release Face It introduces the immediate vocal depth and emotion of J.T’s sound in an instantly immersive fashion. At the same time, strength of songwriting is highlighted from the offset, and increasingly appeals as the song makes its way through an addictive melody towards a powerful explosion of a hook.

Mellow beginnings make all the difference with a song like this, and everything from the changing stages of the story, to the production, to the sheer passion and volume of the performance, reflects this fine use of contrast and allows the track to hit with impeccable impact.
What starts as a mellow and reflective, somewhat Americana-kissed single, soon evolves to become a rock anthem fit for escapism or to kick off a much needed weekend.
The whole thing satisfies in a classic, nostalgic rock fashion, yet it also leads with a genuinely fresh concept and melody. It’s familiar enough to connect, yet new enough to excite interest in further releases. Fortunately, given the significant hiatus, rumour has it there are plenty more singles and EPs set to be released in the very near future. Well worth looking out for.
Check out J.T. Pinkham via Facebook, Twitter & Instagram or visit his Website.