Its Cloudy Out - Dreams Were My Reality - Stereo Stickman

Its Cloudy Out Dreams Were My Reality


Colourful lo-fi production and softly melodic vocals present a sense of story and mood that’s heartfelt and distinct. Its Cloudy Out starts off his brand new album Dreams Were My Reality in a way that’s naturally easy to vibe to.

Your So Original is the opener, musically hopeful but lyrically vulnerable, increasing the emotional struggle significantly throughout the track’s clever progression. It’s an instant showcase of songwriting ability, a unique voice in both lyric and tone, and it makes for a memorable opening track.

As things continue that mellow escapism vibe and these themes of self-reflection and longing continue to embrace listeners.

My Own Worst Enemy, I’m in Love, and the distinct production of Na Like In Love For Real, all further the romanticism and desire for connection that is both the humble ambiance and the lyrical and performative honesty of Its Cloudy Out. The songs pour through almost like freestyles in some ways, but always the topic is held close to – a relevant style for the times, and a relevant songwriting ability that refuses to use filler or falseness to simply draw a crowd.

Fourteen tracks in full make up Dreams Were My Reality, with striking moments like the piano-led Sleepless Nights offering something of a smoky jazz vibe, with aptly-tired vocals quickly calming the mood.

Never Settle For Less follows brilliantly, contrast working its magic as we’re gifted a fast-paced modern rap track with an upbeat groove an a catchy melodic hook. The lyrics are mighty, the song inspiring and uplifting, and this track delivering a defiantly recognisable highlight from the album in full.

Other highlights include the topical reflection and contemporary poignancy of Mental Mess, wherein the threads between the songs that make up Dreams Were My Reality start to make themselves powerfully clear. We In This Together is another upbeat gem to redirect things, and then there’s the melancholic earworm and intrigue of a uniquely thoughtful How You Been.

To finish, acoustic guitar and intimate vocal whispers let Farewell So Long close the curtains on this deeply reflective and intimate set of stories and songs. The willingness of Its Cloudy Out to fully encapsulate the heartache and juxtaposed optimism of these experiences and feelings is incomparable within the genre right now, and Dreams Were My Reality is an easy stand-out project, which is a pleasure to lose yourself in for a while.

Find Its Cloudy Out on Facebook, TikTok, Instagram & X.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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