Happy hardcore vibes of a certain Euro-dance origin hit with bass-heavy impact as Hologram Boy demands your attention both visually and audibly, throughout a bold, unignorable SINAPSI ATTIVE.
Far from an easy listen and featuring flashing images throughout, along with a retro overall dubbing of just about everything involved, SINAPSI ATTIVE is every bit as quirky and no-f*cks-given-driven as its title and artwork imply.
The formula is simple, movement and a chanting style melody, made clear from the outset, yet somehow the track manages to hold onto and even build upon the weight and intensity of these elements for several minutes.
Hologram Boy and Miss Virtuality collaborate naturally well, blending the simple repeat of that hook with the unavoidable stomp of the late-night dance vibe and relentless pace of the production to a fitting degree.
Weave in a clear sense of rising passion during the final moments, and the whole thing continuously tightens its grip and refuses to let go.
Somewhat nostalgic in its simple pairing of heavy rhythms and a defiant refusal to quiet, the single and video together create a bold, fearlessly intrusive earworm that’s admittedly unmistakable once the progression and vocal hook have crossed your path.
The production is undeniably vintage, tipping its hat to a simpler era, in many ways – the vocal repetition feeds into this role all the more so.
Not for the faint of heart, particularly during the final moments, and clearly not for everyone by any stretch of the imagination – the track does what it means to do, and with respect there’s a strong potential for remix woven into that.
It will be interesting to hear where else inspiration takes HOLOGRAM BOY in the coming months. Something tells me creativity is decidedly uninhibited in this corner of the musical realm.
WARNING: Features a heavy use of strobe lighting throughout, increasingly so towards the end. Nostalgia and shock factor in strong supply.
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