The simple strum of an acoustic guitar, the equally raw capture of live drums and a subtle electric lead, followed by long-form melodic structuring that tips its hat to the indie legends of yesteryear – Herald engages with ease throughout this contemplative new EP.
Leading with the title-track, Money Is God presents an organic arrangement likely to appeal for its connection to a stage-sound long-missed throughout 2020. Throw in a conceptually interesting, poignant subject matter, and a hook that effectively resolves and satisfies in true pop-anthem fashion, and the song makes for the perfect introduction to this project.
The guitar-work keeps things simple yet again for The Club, weaving hypnotic soundscapes in the live setting, before connecting with mildly effected vocals and intriguing poetry that draws you in closer. The entire EP seems to dig deep into our contemporary pitfalls and the roll of the self within an ever-evolving society.

Dust follows and is easily a personal highlight. There’s a sort of reflective, moody fusion of darkness and positive energy throughout the chord progression and melody. The use of distortion and the almost Americana-style verse work beautifully together to paint a series of images and tell a story that captivates.
Taut is another highlight, melodically beautiful, and performance-wise offers a blissful moment of intimacy and clarity of both recording and concept. The poetic lyricism shines more brightly than ever, and subtle production choices like second vocals help inject a certain air of warmth that further embraces the listener. An easy one to escape into, in the depths of the night perhaps, as the mind wanders and the world continues to confuse.
Refreshingly interesting writing, with an equally refreshing, natural set-up. A little too short if anything, but it’s always better to leave your audience wanting more.
Check out Herald on Twitter & Instagram.