Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions - No Mo Money - Stereo Stickman

Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions No Mo Money


After the timeless appeal of their EP Never Give Up Vol. 1, the name Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions is unforgettable, and any new release naturally proves something worth setting time aside for.

Enter the latest single, another subtle shift in topic and soulful presentation, but still resounding well under the Gary Dranow sound. And what’s more, this one accesses the depths of those manic emotions brilliantly.

No Mo Money is a pop-rock to full-rock anthemic arrangement, with sublime vocals at the forefront -leading with a sort of Soul or Gospel-kissed Country style of expression. We’re in an Americana meets Soul Rock arena of expression, and while the verses offer plenty to get lost within conceptually, the hook resounds and repeats beautifully as the song gathers momentum. The final third in fact secures that title line and melody, its unity and choir-like fullness, as a lasting earworm for the listener to carry around with them (for better or for worse, that’s up to you).

From acoustic beginnings and the intrigue of ‘Seventy years of living, chasing melodies – pouring my soul into each chord’, to a fully loaded electric guitar solo and a compelling groove, the supreme vocals and the relatable storyline of No Mo Money are likely to draw you in – provoking thoughts and emotions that feel vastly relatable yet also deeply personal.

It’s a bittersweet contemplation, and the song has been crafted quite perfectly – a catchy hit that calls out with passion and power on behalf of the dreams we fail to achieve; and those we can still go after. Somewhat brave but respectable in its unadulterated honesty – No Mo Money is an absolute hit, and faultlessly delivered.

 Find Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions on Facebook & Instagram or visit their Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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