Friday Dies - Of Wizards and Witches - Stereo Stickman

Friday Dies Of Wizards and Witches


Lifelong metal devotees Friday Dies have released a plethora of original music under their name, uniting the muggy haze of grunge with the pace and evolutionary composition of progressive metal – a quality that stands insanely tall for the single Of Wizards and Witches.

Featuring a phenomenal display of musicianship and unity throughout its unpredictable structure and consistently changing pace, Of Wizards and Witches intertwines classic rap vocals with live drums, guitars, and bass, for a post rock explosion of story and intensity that’s impressively unique.

Contrast matters, and Friday Dies incorporate that with skill and precision for this release, one moment laying bare the cleanly mixed vocal lead and this tale of darkness and compelling scenes, the next raising the pulse faultlessly as a unit – fast fingers and the intoxicating tumble of the drums reinforcing the emotions of the story.

Hazy by nature for its production and nostalgic overtone, the majority of stylistic traits from Of Wizards and Witches depict an act with a clear love for storytelling and creative freedom. The expressive nature of the music is impossible to predict, and weaves in aspects of psychedelia as it reaches its electrified and atmospheric crescendo.

Friday Dies carve out their own lane thanks to years of experience and immersion in all things underground. Their eighties and nineties influence is noteworthy, but ultimately their sound invites escapism akin to a visual journey – stories and scenes that captivate, musical arrangements that forever keep you on your toes, and a vocal lead that’s honest and evocatively performative in equal parts.

In the past, Friday Dies have made waves with the likes of the immense guitar work and sheer ferocity of Hammer Down. Their single Protect Your Temple also secured their role within the timeless realm of metal and post punk, with those now unmistakable and rhythmic vocals running hand in hand with the mighty pace and presence of the guitars, bass, and drums. Every track is a new story and anthem, but always Friday Dies maintain their artistic voice in both set-up and delivery, and that allows their sound to continue standing tall.

Noting hundreds of thousands of streams on Spotify alone, Friday Dies are a metal act who refuse to be pigeonholed, yet whom also hold close to a distinct sense of identity as a modern band. Their authenticity rings loud in everything from lyric to performance to production, and this allows the talent, conviction, and energy of their style to hit with unrivalled impact.

Find Friday Dies on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook & their Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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