Swedish rock three-piece Frank Follows reignite the flame of indie rock, with a likable fusion of strong riffs, bright guitar tones, and raspy, tired but emotive vocals.
Their brand new single Hey! is something of a perfectly crafted indie pop single, with an organic rock core, gritty verses, and a quirky falsetto hook.
Laying down the foundations of a nostalgic indie rock track from the outset, Hey! presents paired guitars of high pitches and a crisp tone – an instantly distinct and quite addictive little ditty in and of itself. Then we get the band’s leading vocalist, Adrian Berhardson, presenting an equally yesteryear drone that’s both charming and engaging.
That delivery gives these lyrics all the more realism and weight, drawing you in for the long run, and rounding things up with character and a kind of playful nonchalance whenever we return to this repeating Hey!
Great indie rock songwriting, from a band with a clear degree of identity to their style. Add this one to your summer playlists.
Find Frank Follows on Instagram & their Website.