Dominique Mathurin - Love Is Contagious - Stereo Stickman

Dominique Mathurin Love Is Contagious


Taking on a nineties classic, Dominique Mathurin showcases some superbly soulful vocals for this smooth and addictive version of Love Is Contagious. It’s not an easy song to sing in itself, but the vocals here somehow go above and beyond – meandering effortlessly from the delicate whispers to the passionate peaks of the central line. A quickly captivating performance, supported and indeed enhanced by a minimalist yet perfectly fitting production job.

The musical groove of this release is a simple pleasure to escape within. Bringing together elements of jazz and pop alike, offering a smooth rhythm and a few flickers of colour and character – just to help guide things – the soundscape feels partly organic and partly well rooted in today’s musical arena. You can imagine and appreciate the live performance as easily as you can lose yourself within the strength of the recording.

The second time you listen to this, the various intricacies that help give it a sense of identity shine all the more brightly. From the offset, that guitar work is sublime – subtle yet mighty in laying out the ambiance and creating the right kind of mood. Then you get those leading vocals, driving with a flawless connection to the song and its underlying message. Without a doubt, it’s the hook that stands above everything else, but the verses are just as essential in creating that pathway towards it. Contrast is crucial, and these seductive, melodic verses are sort of the calm before the storm – leading you in a compelling fashion towards the absolute burst of energy and emotion that is the song’s chorus. The vast majority of listeners will walk away re-imagining that moment and singing that melody for quite some time. A live show is likely to be where things get all the more mesmerising.

Find & follow Dominique Mathurin on Facebook.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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