Deep Transit - Stand Up - Stereo Stickman

Deep Transit Stand Up


Creatively blending evocative dance piano chords with organic sweeping rhythms and funky vocals, producer and artist Deep Transit carves out a unique lane, with Stand Up.

Decidedly spacious or minimalist in its stripped back setting, Stand Up manages to feel both like a freestyle solo jam session and a pre-meditated ode to the freedom of expression. The very concept of Stand Up, of losing yourself in the moment, is effectively encapsulated in this unpredictable fluidity of vocal and instrumental play.

The single is easily distinct, impossible to pigeonhole, and built around a select few layers that feel both subtle but crucial in giving the track a clear identity. The final moments in particular see all former elements modestly reappear – fragmented voices, warped bass, additional hits of rhythm. The vocal passion also defiantly rises for this crescendo, wrapping up the journey with purpose and energy.

Deep Transit is the solo project of Maryland composer, singer and songwriter Rob Mitchell. Rob’s unlimited versatility in the music realm has allowed him to create a proud repertoire of original sounds. Though Stand Up is clearly recognisable, the eclectic depth of Rob’s full catalogue is no easier to expect, and continues to push the boundaries of contemporary audio escapism.

Find Deep Transit on Soundcloud & his Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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