Getting the chemistry just right, Dagreat Solo blends heavy bass-work and ambient sound-design with catchy melodies, hard-hitting bars and infectious rhythms throughout the brand new anthem ADDICTION.
Less intense conceptually than its title first implies, ADDICTION talks of being an addict to the scene – the money, the fashion, the lifestyle – and proceeds to weave in superb production of emotive, multi-layered presence, and bars that seem simple yet hypnotic in their faultless connection to the beat.
Passionate as ever and easily memorable the first time around, ADDICTION feels like a purposeful hip hop track regardless of the surface-level implications. This comes from Dagreat Solo’s commitment to the moment, his variation in flow, and the emotional, immersive nature of the production.
Impactful and appropriately addictive to listen to, ADDICTION proves a timeless hit, and a bold introduction to the artist. Cleanly mixed vocals allow for a definitive tone and style that rings loud and clear amidst the current scene.
Well worth a listen for fans of nostalgic hip hop and the modern landscape alike.
Check out Dagreat Solo on Facebook & Instagram.