Checo Cadena - Superstar - Stereo Stickman

Checo Cadena Superstar


Carefully uniting the heavy and the gentle, Checo Cadena leads with powerful distorted riffs and the live crash of drums, through harmonised, uplifting melodies, and lyrics of pure gratitude and hope.

Superstar is the poetic and effortlessly catchy new EP, and the title-track kicks off the collection as an absolute anthem of celebration and empowerment.

Built around a fully-loaded rock set-up, complete with lead and rhythm guitars intertwined at the helm, the indie energy is relentless and immersive from the outset, but Checo contrasts this cleverly with the softer and more stripped-back vocal verses – a style that leans more towards the likes of the Beach Boys than anything purely hard rock.

It’s a unique tone right now, but what’s more, the songwriting is on point, and that’s something the majority of modern bands drop the ball with.

As we move into I Don’t Mind, the sixties melodic nostalgia resounds all the more notably – an acoustic backdrop letting these voices initially connect and impress in their own light. Then comes the distortion, subtle Americana twangs, and a story that again captivates for its personal detail and honesty.

Wrapping things up is an even softer side of the spectrum – a ukulele piece with breathy, singular vocals, showcasing a whole other aspect of the Checo Cadena approach. Come Down With Me offers an easy-going melody, short lines and country slides, through a slowly building landscape of pop-rock warmth and mellow contemplation. While the sound is still distinct and the songwriting heartfelt and original, the set-up is reflective of a structurally artistic intention, and even weaves in some organ layers during the mid-section for more of that versatility.

For such a short project, there’s a lot to unpack within Superstar – both lyrically and musically. The drum work on the closer is brilliantly creative, but actually acts as just one more reminder that creativity rings loud throughout this brief yet vast EP.

The songwriting is great, satisfying but mildly unpredictable – a balance well-achieved and appealing for its fusion of the familiar and the unexpected. Then to close things down, the final title repeats and echoes in unison, for an all-together-now moment of soothing unity; one that would no doubt prove a memorable treat at a live show.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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