Nostalgically ambient origins lead with subtle emotion and warmth, before the immediately impressive vocal abilities and unique tone of Cedrina pour through with outright soulful devotion.
Favorite is the brand new single from the Atlanta artist, and the song beautifully captures the essence of timeless RnB, whilst bringing forth a notably fearless and upfront contemporary vocal strength.
Featuring meandering verses undoubtedly powered by the clear passion of the performance, Favorite builds upon the sultry energy and heart of its lyrics consistently throughout three minutes and twenty-four seconds of playtime. Always we resolve back to the simplicity of this calming, looping hook though – a moment of peaceful reflection, wrapping up the progression with thoughtful attention paid to the mood of the writing and indeed the importance of effective songwriting.
Even weaving in a seductive layer of saxophone during the final third, Favorite ultimately paves the way for a new sub-genre of pop and RnB; one that’s authentically driven by emotion, talent, and an unwavering desire to connect.
Download or stream Favorite here. Check out Cedrina on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.