BIAS - LOVE WILL TEAR US APART (Joy Division Remake) - Stereo Stickman



Designed to connect and proving both an ode to an artistic gem and a fine introduction to a producer devoted to the escapism of music – BIAS takes on the mighty Love Will Tear Us Apart, and delivers a memorable yet provocative listen that lingers infinitely.

Featuring leading vocals from Lorenzo Montaxx Montanari, producer BIAS recrafts the Joy Division classic with both an ethereal vastness and a clear sense of rising euphoric presence.

It’s a brief yet striking arrangement, balancing classic eighties rhythms with multiple layers of melody and synth, all soaked in reverb and retro touches of distortion, and it makes simple yet effective use of the song’s natural depth and humanity.

During the latter half in particular, the lyrics pierce through with poetic intensity thanks to the producer’s gift of space for contrast between the fullness of elsewhere.

Soon afterwards though, the voice and music unite to cascade and tumble through one last looping take of the song’s unmistakable hook. We even get a fairly raw vocal outro as the final bar, reminding us of the live performance aspect and thus the soulful delivery that emerges united with BIAS’ own immersive production style.

Creating purely out of a clear love for the process, BIAS brings both precision and heart to the nature of covering music, and injects an impressive hit of originality in the same instance. I look forward to hearing more.

Check out BIAS here or via Facebook & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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