August Walk - Ransom - Stereo Stickman

August Walk Ransom


Having easily found its way into last week’s best-of Playlist, August Walk’s Ransom remains one of the most emotive and distinctive singles to emerge this side of 2020.

Featuring beautifully unique vocals and a poetic lyrical backbone that captivates and satisfies all at once – thanks to thoughtful wording and a comforting melodic progression – Ransom offers the set-up of gentle, organic folk-meets-Americana, with a mildly gritty, passionate delivery, and a fine sense of both the personal and the broadly inclusive in its tackling of the subject matter.

Gorgeously resolving after each fiercely emotional build-up, with this sentiment that reaches across the individual story and into the lives of the audience – ‘some have it all, take your time we’re not here for long’ – the song proves addictively immersive to a greater degree with each revisit.

An inspiring and increasingly beautiful single, from a band who will hopefully be presenting a plethora of new music throughout 2021 and beyond. I look forward to hearing more.

Check out August Walk on Facebook & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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