Adrien Latgé - Buffering - Stereo Stickman

Adrien Latgé Buffering


Indie Folk Pop songwriting and performance that breathes new life into a timeless scene. Adrien Latgé leads with a phenomenal debut, in the form of the smart and sincere new single Buffering.

Inspired by the likes of Damien Rice, Marcus Mumford, and Fleet Foxes, Buffering presents itself as a breathy and intimate folk pop offering, but soon develops as a fine example of an artist delving wholeheartedly into the poetic and melodic escapism of creativity.

Everything from the vocal tone to these lyrical contemplations and the clever resolve of the title proves increasingly moving. In particular, the pre-chorus moment of ‘it’s hard to keep up’, and the subsequent descending melody, works beautifully in drawing you in more closely.

Then we get this easy resolve, the title repeating and the music building up with humility and heart. And for the final fifth, an uplifting and near-euphoric pop-rock explosion of energy and brightness; reinforcing the familiarity we’ve come to connect with.

All the while, Adrien’s voice maintains its authenticity – the performance feeling genuinely like a simple ode or letter to a significant other, never initially meant to be heard by strangers, but all the more intoxicating for that quality.

Find Adrien Latgé on Soundcloud, Instagram & YouTube.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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