17th Letter - Kawasaki - Stereo Stickman

17th Letter Kawasaki


17th Letter is an artist with a clear understanding of crafting an ambiance and a moment both musically and vocally with his releases. Kawasaki introduces precisely that style of creativity in an instant, slowly building a soundscape around its listeners that’s all at once contemporary and calm.

Following this, the vocal takes on more of a familiar and slightly less unique form, tipping its hat effectively to the popular sound of today’s hip hop landscape. Still the beat keeps things fresh, the music that washes over you as it progresses works well to create a sense of peace and indeed contrast with the rhythm and outspoken personality of the vocal.

As the track progresses, 17th Letter moves with an increasingly intentional style of lyricism, impressing far more during the latter half thanks to clever word play and having undoubtedly found his flow and his purpose with this track. The song’s hook rings louder now, painting a clearer picture of the artist as having as much of a grasp of metaphor as of the whole modern sound and relevant referencing.

Whatever you notice the first time around, as subtle as it may be, stands out well the second time you visit the track. Kawasaki has an anthem-like aura, mellow yet meant to hit with subtle impact; which it does, and it introduces 17th Letter in exactly the right kind of way. That sleepy vocal tone suits this late-night mood well, and as the song continues there proves to be a slight increase in passion and energy that again backs up that growth from simplicity to something notably more complex and stylish. It prompts you to consider that a longer project or a further release would allow you just a little more insight – a stronger connection, a few more layers of individuality; thus leaving you to conclude that this is the well-produced, easy hit required to gather a modern audience’s attention – before veering off into deeper waters.

The flow is there, and the vocal style – not to mention the production is on point. A job well done.

Find & follow 17th Letter on Twitter & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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