The subject matter here is thoughtful, intelligent, reflective in a deep way and inspiring to listen to. There’s something real being pondered throughout, the heavier content intertwined with that which is lighter and more laid back.
There’s a speech at the heart of it – a graduation style reminder of the depths of the world and our roles within it. In addition, the music has a certain hypnotic softness that fills the room in a soothing way.
The story is told, the band bring back the effort and detail of the eighties in a captivating way, and the song ignites a new and bright light within the music world.
This album presents audiences with hit after hit after indie anthem, loaded with equal parts delicacy and weight, weaving around you colourful riffs and melodies and lyrical concepts, all honest and genuine sounding.
Jamel Myles’ story has been told here in an open and painful manner, which is really the only way to tell it – and it needs to be told if we are ever to see the end of this hatred and evil at the core of bullying and prejudice
What’s not to like about a track like Visions… Everything about this song speaks subtle volumes for the positivity and optimism within it.
Never has an album name been more on point, in hindsight. This is an easy must for music fans and those who like to enjoy the good vibes, good rhythms, and not take life too seriously.
An interesting collection for its gathering of ideas and its musical prowess combined. In many ways the songs are unpredictable, but in many others they feel familiar and comforting.
Immediately refreshing, uniquely expressive, and easily recognisable for its unusual approach to story-telling and soundscape building.
The official video release for this single introduces the track and the artist in a fitting way. There’s a cool and rather suave quality to the shots – this late night, dimly lit vibe emerges.
As it progresses, the track offers more & more in the way of originality & creative freedom. JayJayy leans back & forth between the delicacy of heartfelt RnB & the quicker, more intense delivery style of hip hop.
A mighty pop-rock album, a wonderful playlist that grows more and more enjoyable the further into it you get – and more so with each new listen afterwards.