Zachary Campos - "Having a daughter has changed my perspective on all aspects of life. When it comes to music, Penelope has helped me to be more focused than ever before." - Stereo Stickman

Zachary Campos “Having a daughter has changed my perspective on all aspects of life. When it comes to music, Penelope has helped me to be more focused than ever before.”


In honour of the brand new Good Times EP, we caught up with San Jose folk singer and songwriter Zachary Campos, to reflect upon the immensely joyful life changes he’s experienced lately, and the impact of this on the inspiring and uplifting new project – plus plenty more. Here’s the conversation in full.

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Hi Zachary – massive congratulations for the recent birth of your daughter! How is Penelope doing, and how is parenthood treating you so far?

Penelope is the perfect baby. She brings so much love wherever she goes and she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

What’s been the biggest change in your mindset lately, and how has this affected your approach to making music?

Having a daughter has changed my perspective on all aspects of life. When it comes to my music, Penelope has helped me to be more focused than I’ve ever been before. I’m determined to be successful for her, my partner Monique, our rabbit Luna, and our cat Persephone.

The new Good Times EP releases this week. What’s the concept uniting these five originals, and were there any songs that didn’t make the cut?

The concept I had going into this project was for it to be like you’re at a campfire with your friends and one of them busts out a guitar. You all sing together and watch the sun come up with a warm feeling in your heart. There were a couple of songs that didn’t make it, but I was able to rework them into what ended up being the two instrumental tracks on the EP.

You begin and end with a simple acoustic instrumental for Forest and Sunrise – what do you feel an easy yet upbeat strum suggests or represents about the project?

“I feel as though it represents a calming energy that lies within myself. A way to display that something doesn’t always need to be said for it to be expressed.”

Why do you think you’ve shifted so distinctly towards folk music in recent months, and does this style of music change the way you write lyrics or feel when performing?

The reason for my turn towards folk music is that I’ve always felt like the genre of folk music represents who I am as a person in my heart. It shows a window into my spirit and who I am at my core. I see myself as two separate artists; a folk singer and an old-school style rapper. The two are like different people that exist within me.

Folk music is powerful in the sense that you’re able to express yourself in a way that speaks true to the way that you view your own life experience. It’s a genuine genre of music, and that’s what I love most about it. This style of music impacts the way I write my lyrics because I strive to be as authentic as I can.

What’s the reason behind the traditionally short song lengths – are you just done when you’re done?

My philosophy is that a song is only as long as it needs to be.

Are there parts of music you’re still actively learning about or working on?

As of right now, my goal is to continue to learn more chords on the guitar. The majority of songs on this project are in the key of G. I would love to learn how to play in different keys and how to fingerpick (specifically Travis picking).

Who else do you listen to when looking for artists who value family and the simple beauties of life?

My biggest inspirations for folk music are Johnny Cash and James Taylor. I connect with them due to their authenticity. They are both what I strive to be as an artist.

Do you share these songs with Penelope?

My favorite thing to do right now is to have Penelope cuddled up on my chest and show her live performances of my favorite artists on YouTube. She is definitely a folk music fan. She also loves R&B, specifically the artist Umi.

What’s your biggest ambition with this music?

My greatest ambition with music is to tour the country as a folk singer.

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The brand new Good Times EP releases this Friday.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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