Following the release of their brand new single and video I Do What I Want, we caught up with Zaano frontman Brandon Zano, to find out more about the song, his journey to this point, and what lies ahead. Here’s the conversation in full.
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Hey – thanks for the chat! Just to introduce yourself, where are you based right now, and how would you describe your creative approach?
Hi! My name is Brandon and I/ We’re based out of Hollywood, California. This is my second time living here, so I’ve been here total around 11 years, I think. As far as my creative approach, I guess it’s different every time.
Whether I’m by myself or writing with someone else, I guess I usually have some sort of idea of where to start from, whether it’s a melody or a riff, then I just build it up and see where it goes.
What was your state of mind or situation when you wrote I Do What I Want, and what does the song represent for you?
I was in a rough spot at that time. I was frustrated at a situation that I, honestly, would rather not go in to. It started about something and then kind of morphed into being about something different entirely.
Sometimes that happens. Something pisses you off but then as you write the song it changes. Especially if it takes longer than one session to finish, lyrically. Which this one did. At the end of the day, it’s just about being yourself, I guess. Not caring what anyone thinks. Just do you.
“Sometimes that happens. Something pisses you off but then as you write the song it changes. Especially if it takes longer than one session to finish.”
Regarding the visuals – the monochrome, slow motion – it’s all very purposeful and captivating; what was the process like for creating the video?
This was one of the more fun videos I’ve done. First off, I wasn’t the main character, which I have been (for the most part) for every one I’ve ever done. The concept was born out of a friend of mine that likes to get a little “loose” sometimes when he gets drunk. So, I came up with a little story line, that we could sort of follow the character around for “a day in the life” of someone who’s on a bender.
The black and white and slow motion was just an idea I had to make it more dramatic. Which, I think, worked. My buddy Zack Shada did a great job behind the camera. He’s got a really great “eye” and my girlfriend Selena Stewart did an amazing job at editing the video. The main character (Perry Polito) is a good buddy of mine, who is an amazing actor, and did such a great job at capturing that vibe.
All the actors in the video are people who live in my apartment building. It was shot in and around downtown Hollywood in one day. I like to keep shit “in house” haha.
Is the single typical of the style we can expect from the upcoming EP?
Yes. The E.P. is called Salton Sea and is all very smooth and sexy like the first single. I wanted to make something that was more on the chill side versus what I’ve done before, which was NOT chill.
How important has networking and collaboration been in getting you to this stage as an artist?
Hmm. I guess a lot. It’s always better to have people to bounce ideas off of when making a song. I’ve done a lot of recordings by myself that came out great. But for this, I really wanted to put together a “band.” So, it sounded like something new to me and the people who listen to what I have done in the past. I picked the best of the best for this record for sure. I’m so grateful for them.
What’s the music scene like in LA right now?
It’s getting back to normal…somewhat. I think the pandemic really scared a lot of people out of L.A. as far as the music scene goes. It’s really expensive to be an artist here. But it’s still a place where the best musicians from all over the country come to because of the showbiz industry. If you’re good at what you do, you can get work if you hustle. You just have to get through the “initiation period.”
What are your main plans as an artist for the year ahead?
Producing and doing co-writes with other artists. That’s my day job and what I care about most at this point. ZAANO will always make and release records because I love it. But I love working with young, up-and-coming artists. When my drummer Brett decides to get his ass back to L.A. maybe we can play some shows. You’ll have to talk to him about that though.
Is there anything else you’d like to say?
Keep an eye out for our next release, which is a super vibey version of The Flamingo’ song I Only Have Eyes For You out early spring. The record Salton Sea should be out by summer! Thanks!
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Check out ZAANO on Instagram or their Website.