Wicked Sobriety - "Becoming an adult virtuoso is just as good as being born a child prodigy." - Stereo Stickman

Wicked Sobriety “Becoming an adult virtuoso is just as good as being born a child prodigy.”


In celebration of the launch of his debut single Nemesis, we caught an interview with New York artist and songwriter Wicked Sobriety, to find out more about his journey to this point. Here’s the conversation in full.

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Wicked Sobriety – excited to chat with you, congrats for the new single! To introduce things – how did you become interested in this kind of atmospheric and alternative rock sound, and why this artist name?

So, for starters, I wasn’t always into this kind of modern music. I began my musical journey when I was seven years old – I was riding a subway to Coney Island with my parents, when I heard a street performer playing the guitar. Having asked my parents afterwards if I could learn, I picked up my first instrument. Eventually, I landed on the violin, which I still play today.

My portfolio was always classical music- that was the main thing I was into for most of my life. I got into musical composition in my teens, and I began listening to rock music just a year ago! As you can probably tell, it’s rubbed off of me quite a bit!

What does the song Nemesis represent, and what was the creative process like?

Nemesis is a song about self-hatred and depression. I actually wrote this song early in the morning while my parents were still asleep, humming quietly into my phone. I contacted a producer in Long Island, and we started working together! Anyway. The ‘nemesis’ that the song constantly refers to over and over again is actually myself. I spend the length of the track talking about myself, and how little I seem to care about my own well-being. I struggled with a lot of mental issues in my teens, and I wanted to depict that here… Art is a great way to depict emotion.

Are you a multi-instrumentalist or did you get a band on board for this track?

I’m a violinist, and so I have no experience in band music. I got together with my producer and some guitar/bass/drum players, and we recorded together. I actually plan on learning some of these instruments myself, when I have the motivation to.

Your voice is brilliantly unique, was that a natural trait or something you’ve honed over time?

I never had any formal voice training. I consider myself to be naturally talented in the field of art – especially fine art and music – but I always regret not taking more lessons as a child. However, I like to say: Becoming an adult virtuoso is just as good as being born a child prodigy. I plan to train my voice in the future, not including singing in the shower when nobody’s home.

What’s the live scene like in New York, and how easy will it be for you to get gigs? 

I grew up in Queens, away from the hustle and bustle of Manhattan, where the skyscrapers and billionaires loom over you. I enjoy the quiet suburbs, but I also quite like the livelihood of the Big Apple. New York has always been known for jazz, rock, and great music in general. Since it’s such a big scene, I think it’ll be relatively easy to land a gig, as long as I have enough potential. Sadly, I’ll have to get over stage fright and embarrassment first…

Is there a bigger project on the way, more songs or perhaps some visual counterparts?

I actually have a lot more songs already written, but as you probably know, producing, mixing, and mastering a track is quite expensive. Since I’m still a kid, I don’t really have a means to pay for that. I’m preparing to work a summer job at an ice cream parlor, and so maybe after a month or two I’ll release another single! As an aspiring painter just as much as a prospect singer, maybe one day I’ll host my own art and music gallery, all together.

You’ve amassed almost a thousand monthly listeners already – What are your best tips for gaining an audience as a new creative?

I once dreaded the aspect of drawing attention to your new track. I presume it’s a mixture of seeking opportunity, money, and luck. Although I once wondered about letting the song sit out like cheese in a pantry until one day it becomes a smashing success, but I’d like to be well-known before I go into a retirement home, and so I sent loads of emails to radio stations around the world to put me on airplay.

“I scoured the internet for curators, podcasters, and also set up advertisements on social media sites, and all that. The results of all this will have to wait, but I’m excited to see it!”

What’s your biggest ambition or dream as an artist?

I really aspire to bring my own personal experiences to other people, and use my music and art as a way to channel my emotions too! Another long-term goal I have is to introduce classical music to many young people. I find the genre to be so beautiful and healing, and I find that many people can benefit from it.

The whole reason I started making music is because of the artist Laufey – I saw her vision to bring attention to classical music, and I thought – ‘Hey! I coincidentally want to do exactly the same!’ And so here I am. Thanks so much for the interview!

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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