Universal Appeal - "It's amazing how desperation creates inspiration. The words just poured out of me & here we are today!" - Stereo Stickman

Universal Appeal “It’s amazing how desperation creates inspiration. The words just poured out of me & here we are today!”


Introducing the uniquely distinct and conceptually rooted songwriter behind the world music project Universal Appeal, so far having released one iconic single The Price Of Liberty, from a handful of planned releases. Jon Casto kindly took part in an interview.

We talk about the inspiration for the music, the eclectic instrumental arrangements, the stories behind the songs, and plenty more. Here’s how it went.

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Hi Jon – excited to talk music with you! Congrats for the new single. To introduce things, what inspired you to start this creative project, and why the title Universal Appeal?

Thanks, so happy to be here with you.

I’ve always loved music ever since I found Beatles albums in my parents basement as a kid. One listen and I was hooked, lol. As I started to write and compose these songs I realized that they all had a universal theme that anyone could relate to, so I thought about it a while and came up with the name Universal Appeal.

How did the Liberty single come to be, and who or what influenced this unique creative style?

WOW, that’s a whole story in itself, but short answer, I was going through one of the toughest times of my life. I already had the riff of the song but no words, but it’s amazing how “desperation creates inspiration”. The words just poured out of me and here we are today!!!

The question ‘Where are we going’ repeats and resounds – why this wording, and what would you say is the answer?

Well Rebecca, in this day and age where our leaders are acting like little children on the school playground it’s hard not to ask the question!!! I believe they have lost sight of what their job really is and that’s to provide a safe world for our children to grow up in, LOL and that’s what my next song is about Our Legacy.

The track has a distinct world music arrangement, windpipes and acoustic guitars but a full band weight and theatrical performance. Who was involved in the playing and arrangement, and what would a live show entail?

So, it’s a flute and a full ensemble would probably sound AWESOME !!! but I couldn’t afford the ensemble, lol. So there are a whole cast of characters involved, all friends of mine and great musicians in their own right, but I did the arrangement !!! Believe me I’d love to do a live show but I really don’t have a band per say just a lot of friends that like my music and help when I’m in the studio.

What can fans expect creatively and conceptually from the upcoming singles Our Legacy and Brand New Age?

So, these are more hooky songs with standard verse and chorus hook but with the same Universal Appeal vibe, lol. We are in the studio now as we speak and they should be ready for release very soon.

What’s your biggest ambition with this project – where would you like to take things over the next twelve months?

I wanna be a rock star, lol, I think Nickelback said that best, lol, but on a more serious note, just wanna keep spreading the message to anyone who would listen and not throw bottles at me, lol

Is there anything else we should know about Universal Appeal?

Well if I had to sum it up, I’d say stay tuned, lol, and that I have been at this most of my adult life and almost gave up, until I found THE BEST STUDIO EVER, House of Grind Studios in Middlebury, CT.

Cause as most of us know it is really hard to find a studio that really gets the music and can make it come to life like you envision it to be!!! I’m so grateful to have found this studio and the great people and musicians I have in my life….. that’s all I got to say about that, lol. Peace out !!!

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Find Universal Appeal on Facebook & Instagram or visit the Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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