One man band and contemporary metal artist MINDPYRE emerges this month with a brand new single that’s as thoughtfully complex as it is hard-hitting and memorable. We caught an interview with the Sweden-based songwriter to find out more about the music and his journey so far. Here’s the conversation in full.
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Hey – thanks for the interview, and congrats on the new single! For those who don’t know, how would you describe MINDPYRE – how did it come to be, and how long have you been making music?
I’ve actually pretty much just started! I write all the music and the lyrics myself, and I record all the instruments. And a friend of mine from Canada is doing the vocals!
What’s the live scene like for this genre where you are, and is live performance or touring a big part of your plans?
Since I’m pretty much alone at the moment, playing live and touring will be a whole new chapter in the future.
What does the single My Skin is My Page mean for you, and what do you hope people take away from it?
Actually it’s about not controlling yourself. It’s about being driven by feelings, circumstances and other people without taking responsibility. It’s about being a victim of your own lack of self esteem and self dignity.
What are your thoughts on mainstream rock and metal right now, and your hopes for the heavier genres going forwards?
To be honest I barely listen to new kinds of music. I try to be better at this but sadly I’m way too comfortable with stuff I already relate to. I’m trying to get better at taking in new music from both artists and bands I already listen to, but also new artists and bands coming up. I don’t think much about mainstream or not, that is not worth putting energy into, I just listen to stuff and if I like it – I like it.
I think people turn to heavier music to find truth, understanding and to be a part of something real. Rock and metal music usually tends to be honest and upfront about issues and situations and circumstances, instead of being about “what do people want to hear?”

Is there a longer project on the way?
I have a few songs ready and they are gonna be released before summer for sure. Also would be so cool to do a full album before this year ends. Lets hope I got what it takes!
What comes to mind if you’re asked to name the best metal song ever written?
This feels so unfair, haha. But if I would have to pick just one song, I’d actually go for Marilyn Manson’s Target Audience which I’m pretty sure no-one has ever answered on a question like this. If I have to go for just one band I would definitely go for Slipknot if it needs to be metal, and The Gastlight Anthem if it has to be rock.
What have you been keeping busy with during lockdown, and how has the whole thing impacted your creativity, if at all?
Most countries are mocking Sweden right now because we don’t have that much of a lockdown over here. But of course people behave differently under these circumstances. I myself just tend to stay home a bit more during evenings and weekends, and that actually makes me play more guitar and be creative making some music. I’m also very creative in other aspects since I draw and paint a lot.
What’s the best thing fans can do to support you?
I actually just want people to listen to the music if they like it. It would mean the world to me. I’m very new to this and I am humble about it.
If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be, and why?
I think it’s way too much music being listened to just because it’s what is being played on the radio and it’s easy to understand it instantly. I think people should try to consume music the same way they consume movies, for example. Choose more wisely, give it time and try to understand where it’s coming from, and why.
If you could sit down to lunch with anyone at all, past or present, who would you choose, and what would you ask them about?
My first thought is either Corey Taylor or Marilyn Manson. But when you think more about it, it’s so many people that were and still are interesting. I think I’ll just go with Leonardo Da Vinci on this one. And I’ll ask him how he would advise someone to pursue their creativity, curiosity and self-doubt in the best way.
What would be your dream venue or event to perform at?
I’ve never even thought about performing in any kind of big way at all, but If I am asked to dream I’ll probably say Globen in Stockholm.
Is there anything else we should know?
I’m trying to get out my creativity in every way I can, and I’m always interested in working together with other people. Just send me a DM on instagram for example if someone is interested in getting in touch with me.
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Single out April 3rd. Find & follow MINDPYRE on Facebook & Instagram.