Prior to the release of his highly-anticipated debut album, we caught an interview with songwriter and vocalist Ace, to find out more about the unrivalled emotion and depth of his first single Sincerely, My Love, as well as his plans for the year ahead. Here’s the conversation in full.
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Hi Ace, great to connect with you – huge congrats for the new single. To introduce things, what first ignited your passion for making music?
I had always loved music and loved using it to express myself, but for some reason I never thought I had it in me to make or write anything original. Honestly, I had the opportunity to join a dodgeball league that randomly assigned teams, and I just so happened to meet our team captain who’s an artist himself, and all of this was during one of his release cycles. I was inspired and with the motivation from my own partner(s), I decided to sit down and write, Sincerely, My Love”.
Sincerely, My Love is completely unexpected in being a passionate powerhouse of an original ballad. The vocals meander from soulful and evocative to mighty and reinforced for the peaks. What was the creative process for this song, and what inspired it?
The creative process started with two separate experiences from my partners. I had to say goodbye to one of them because they were leaving the state and the emotion that I felt reminded me of when me and my fiancé had to do the same thing. Not because it was easy, but because it was the right thing to do. I would say it was a series of real-life moments that helped me write this to show how grateful I am of those I love around me.
Were you vocally trained, or have you honed your performance style and tone over time?
I’d say it started sophomore year of high school in theatre, the first experience I ever performed vocally live was as Captain Hook for the school’s production of Peter Pan the musical. From there I constantly kept pushing myself, learning composition and technique, and still to this day I strive to reach new goals in my own ability and comfort.
Is the lead single indicative of what we can expect from the album, or does the bigger project take influence and intention from a multitude of sources?
I felt like its theming best summarized this work as a whole and with a second single to come, followed by a full album. I wanted to focus less on genre and use it as a vehicle to push emotional/story beats. One thing I am proud of is that this entire album, start to finish, Sincerely, My Love is just a glimpse.
How important is it for you to create with an authentic kind of vulnerability, as opposed to seeking out the sound and style that audiences will recognise or react to?
I feel like it is important to be authentic and genuine to myself, that has always been my focus. One of the biggest inspirations and goals as an artist is intentionality, every piece of anything I put out, I want it to be purposeful and meaningful to myself personally, and to myself in the greater picture as an artist.
Was this an entirely solo release, from writing and performing to production, or did you collaborate?
At the very beginning the writing, recording, and performing yes, all solo, even legality and distribution I learned and handled myself. When it came to the production of the instrumentation, and the formal mixing and mastering; I left it to the professionals, my contacts, to really handle that technical polish.
Do you get to perform live much in LA, and if so, what does a live show entail in terms of your set-up?
Recently I’d say performing vocally in LA is more of a newer thing for me, and I have had much more experience performing choreography or assisting in various numbers. I think myself as a dancer, I am bold, and full of expressive energy, meanwhile myself as a vocalist is more a showcase of my emotional expression.
What’s the connecting theme of the upcoming album, and what’s something about this project that you feel it’s important for listeners to know?
The connecting theme resolves around understanding one’s own emotions, love, self-awareness in romantic situations, and maturity. Sincerely, My Love is the heartfelt exhale after the album’s emotional peak.
Is there anything else you’d like to say?
It’s been a process of over a year, and I’m just so excited to finally be able to start showcasing all of this. The reception and the number of listeners that have already related to the single, it’s meant so much; and I feel like it’s overall just great momentum to the start of my artistic journey as a musician and songwriter.
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Find Ace on Instagram.