Black Hebrew offers up an impressively smooth and skillful RnB track with this latest release Jenn. From the offset the song feels like a slept-on classic, a nostalgic hit that made waves back in the day.


Emila as an artist seems set to embrace the music world without letting it mold or change her style – there’s an air of determination and freedom to everything about this single, which of course ties in well with the song’s very title and underlying sentiment.

Alt PopPop

Where the experimental aspect has given the piece character and allowed it to stand out, those essential musical building blocks within present a clear knowledge of what works in composition, so there just as many addictive and satisfying riffs and flickers of colour as there are instances of the unexpected. 


JSPH’s quietly expressive voice has a soothing effect as it pours through, and the lyrics, the concept – all of this leans in a similarly settling direction.
