The role of art and music with such a specific backbone is to provoke a certain shared manner of thinking – these topics need to be discussed, and this is where that conversation ultimately begins; with music, or art, which kicks up a fuss, grabs attention, and refuses to be ignored.

Hip Hop

An Americana classic with a certain contemporary softness that quickly brings it right through to the modern day. Smiling not only sounds stylistically satisfying, organic and shoulder-swaying, soulful and melodically addictive, but it means something brilliantly real, too.


Fusing the delicacy of a seductive guitar tone with a compressed beat at a comforting pace, Dylan proceeds to offer an intimate, up-close and personal vocal line, which meanders through a simple melody; leaning softly towards hip hop in consistently effortless ways.

Alt PopHip HopProducerRnBTrip Hop

Proclaiming give love and heal the broken, Human takes a vague and all-inclusive approach to exploring its concept – welcoming everyone, encouraging self-love and acceptance of things and people the way they are.


Verde Rose kicks off 2020 with an easy hip hop anthem that utilizes a few simple elements and layers, offering up a smooth hit of intimacy that more than lives up to the metaphorical implications of the title.

Hip HopRnB