newkidsdj takes inspiration from the dawn of EDM with this latest release. Compiling five original soundscapes, each one a beautiful and energizing journey in itself, the EP Sentiments is precisely the nostalgic yet exciting playlist classic dance fans have likely been craving. 


There’s no denying that La Roboká have a sound that’s purely theirs. The opening track alone pours through with such a fine display of contrast – operatic vocals meet with retro synths and high-energy drum lines, all of which creates an almost sci-fi-like, cinematic explosion before you.

Alt PopElectronic Rock

Alexandria’s observations turn to the world around her, the poetic edge grows all the more impressive. The song quickly moves from good to great, a refreshing alternative to the bulk of modern pop and hip hop.

Alt PopHip-Hop

Not Industry Standard is the perfect name for this EP. This short playlist is swiftly likable, deeply honest, and musically pure. Steel is unconcerned with expectation or, as stated, industry standards, so his music has a level of freedom and realness about it that’s decidedly rare.


Davinci crosses the border between poetry and personality, keeping things real but also beautifully expressive and often cleverly metaphorical. The music is of the highest quality and the lyricism showcases an artist with an intelligent, articulate and deeply thoughtful writing style.
