#BTSPodcast - Lynae Cook explores 'Behind the Scenes' of products in our daily lives - Stereo Stickman

#BTSPodcast – Lynae Cook explores ‘Behind the Scenes’ of products in our daily lives


The delightfully genuine Lynae Cook hosts this independent podcast, taking on a range of topics within each episode – in most cases welcoming a guest; an expert in a particular field. The issues and areas covered vary, but in every case there’s an immediately honest vibe to the show that embraces the listener and creates a sense of authenticity and, subsequently, trust in what’s about to emerge.

A recent episode that’s likely to appeal to the creative minds out there is episode 6, in which guitarist & executive producer Dru Decaro joins the host to talk about his experiences within the music industry (and indeed within the world). Lynae’s approach and her questions, her thoughts on each topic, always seem very considerate and heartfelt – there’s nothing fake or forced about the show, and for these reasons it’s extremely easy to press play and sit back for an hour or two as the conversation kicks into gear.

The experience quickly feels like a chat between friends – which happens to be true, in this particular case. Genuine questions come from a host who is genuinely interested in digging deeper and finding out how things really are. As a listener, the whole thing flows through naturally – for those of us who turn to podcasts to accompany our work flow or a long commute,  #BTSPodcast makes for a strong choice.

Episode 6 proves to be invaluable for creatives and musicians who are looking to progress within their careers. There’s a humble aura to the conversation, which makes it connect a little more profoundly than a distant chat between inconceivably well-known celebrities might. While there’s plenty of industry detail and advice on offer, there’s also a fair bit of talk regarding personal drive and organisation, among other things. All of which proves well worth spending the time with.

Lynae’s welcoming attitude and her curiosity as an interviewer is perfectly interesting and entertaining to witness. This particular episode is a personal favourite for its detail, realness and relevancy, but by all means get stuck in to the entire series and you won’t be disappointed. A pleasure to stumble upon.

Check out all episodes on Anchor. Find & follow #BTSPodcast on Facebook & Twitter.


Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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