Coda Nova - Symmetry - Stereo Stickman

Coda Nova Symmetry


Brand new music from Coda Nova hits in the form of an extensive eight minute composition of cascading riffs, bold rhythms, and consistently rising anticipation.

Symmetry encapsulates the creative passion of the band in a recognisable way, with unmistakable vocals at the forefront and a clear story of purpose and poetic reflection standing tall within that. In all other ways, however, the song marks a defiant moment of artistic evolution for the melodically intoxicating alt rock act.

Progressing through a distorted yet smoothly connected rock soundscape of equal parts power chords and soulful licks, Symmetry presents a story that’s intriguing and fascinating as it evolves. The second verse notes perhaps a little more clarity as to the real depths of this tale, and yet what secures the song’s appeal is its clever resolve to a more simple, striking and memorable hook. The title resounds and repeats, the music pauses and re-energises, our protagonist directly addresses another, or the listener, and effectively regrounds the journey to bring back interest in the progressing stages.

Just before the half-way point, the intensity falls away entirely, and a brand new realm of ambiance ensues – along with choir-like vocal layers and a spoken segment of canned, cinematic suggestion that again intrigues and holds close to your attention for the next build.

Enter soaring guitar solos akin to the likes of modern progressive rock and metal, and an instrumental break that’s musically on point yet also incredibly impressive from a band perspective. It’s not overly flashy or focused on fast-fingers for no reason, it holds the mood, maintains the emotion of the story – this idea of fighting for the other side, changing perspective, continues to grip as the instrumental power rains down to embrace its audience.

A progressive journey but one well-rooted by the unmistakable vocal hook and character found throughout, Symmetry is perhaps Coda Nova’s most ambitious track yet, a quirky exploration of particle physicists who find themselves in deep water, and an instrumental explosion that’s immense; but the band have mastered that process. The track draws you in, holds you captive, keeps you engaged, and – perhaps more importantly – makes sure to linger, long after the music has ended.

Single out October 10th. Find Coda Nova on Instagram, Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Apple & Facebook.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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