Mind 3cho - Mind 3cho - Stereo Stickman

Mind 3cho Mind 3cho


Slick riffs and catchy vocals create an anthemic pop-rock energy from the outset – Mind 3cho’s self-titled new EP promises heartfelt intentions and impassioned, explosive anthems; all beginning with the bold and unforgettable A Chance.

Mind 3cho starts things up with an electronic rock approach not dissimilar to the production and songwriting of Kings of Men. However, the versatility of this album soon finds its own creative realm entirely. A Chance is a huge single, energising by nature but also loaded with inspiring and appreciative lyrics. The final section quite unusually restarts the song as a piano-pop take, and from here on in things remain artistically uninhibited.

These distinguished qualities walk hand-in-hand throughout this well-rooted yet versatile EP. The vocal sound threads things together, but as we move through the more simplistic pop-rock track What’s It all About, then into the brilliantly stripped-back and captivating Cutting Through, it’s clear that storytelling and emotional mood are the beating heart of the collection.

For Cutting Through, we’re in a sort of progressive rock realm of drama and intrigue, a story and mood that grips us and holds tight as things evolve, and a style that is again cleverly and starkly contrasted by the sheer joy and upbeat bounce of a subsequent, celebratory Transformation.

Transformation offers an almost folk-rock presence but with another upfront riff and short verse lines for that characterful, quirky and energetic vibe. It’s a welcoming sound, with a story that lures you in scene by scene. Always the positivity resounds musically and in that all-together now chorus, hopeful sentiments ringing loud, but there’s just enough uncertainty along the way to keep you involved and interested.

That optimistic glow continues for the superb closing track that is The Little Things. Here we get a smile-inducing pop-rock to pop-punk groove that encapsulates the gratitude and lovingness of the entire project.

It’s a catchy anthem of a final piece, still recognisable now we’re familiar with the Mind 3cho sound, but it’s also its own thing for those snappy, short lines and the organic indie set-up of electric guitars and something mildly unplugged and intimate. You can hear this in an acoustic and full-band setting equally, and that potential opens up a lot of doors for a simple but great song.

Get inspired and awakened, feel better about your day, and be prepared for more than a few sneaky earworms. Mind 3cho celebrates the wonders of the world, through fantastic songwriting and often sublime lyrical prowess, with this unique roller-coaster of an EP.

Find Mind 3cho on Instagram & YouTube.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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