The Keymakers - Separate - Stereo Stickman

The Keymakers Separate


Long-time favourites The Keymakers have moved from strength to strength since their debut back in 2017, the creative brothers forever finding new ways to express their artistic ideas and to capture a sound both soulful and rhythmically on point.

Most recently, the ambient and melodic Separate showcases with humility and depth how far the band have come in building a professional and immersive sound; whilst maintaining their passion and integrity as artists.

Featuring those iconic RnB vocals, whispered and intimate at the frontline, Separate follows an impressively long-form melody, through a slowly expanding electronic soundscape of rising dance energy and warmth. It’s a mellow set-up but impassioned in everything from lyrics to the powerful drop of the beat.

Things build from here on in, subtle nuances and changes depicting the outright skill and awareness of The Keymakers as producers. That producer and performer combination is rare to find at such a distinguished and still humble, honest level, and this duo have it mastered. Their music is consistently a pleasure to escape into, always thoughtful, heartfelt and intricate, and the ethereal waves of synth and the sheer gratitude of the lyrics throughout Separate all exemplifies that truth in a beautiful way.

Find The Keymakers on Instagram & TikTok.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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