Big Bus Dream - Giant In My Mind - Stereo Stickman

Big Bus Dream Giant In My Mind


An immediately recognisable and delicate Giant In My Mind emerges this Spring, complete with a lyric video and background visuals that reignite a love for the live scene and the freedom that’s been so greatly missed this past year.

Big Bus Dream have arranged the single beautifully here, a softly jazz-kissed ambiance of organic layers – double bass, hand drums, subtle vocal whispers and warmth. The natural strength of the concept, that of youthful self-confidence and big dreams, stands tall in this setting. Everything is gentle, but the lyrics have weight amidst this, so the title resounds and prompts listeners to recall their own journey and connection to this idea.

As an introduction to the Big Bus Dream sound, there’s a gorgeous balance between identity and professionalism – a level of character to the tone, the rasp and the set-up, and a clearly crisp and immersive touch to the overall production. You can turn it up loud, escape into the moment; listening and considering.

Bringing through a touch of The Eels and a refreshingly poetic, pondering manner of writing, the voice and the lyrics unite faultlessly within this slowly meandering groove of a soundscape. A pleasure to let play.

Check out Big Bus Dream on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram or visit their Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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