When their Eyes Meet Mine - Kriya Yoga in the time of Corona - Stereo Stickman

When their Eyes Meet Mine Kriya Yoga in the time of Corona


Aishi Sarkar presents the light and hopeful new indie pop single When Their Eyes Meet Mine, a professionally crafted, collaborative release, with a coinciding video designed to help bring in more of the positivity and optimism of the writing.

Inherently a song filled with gratitude and a sense of peace, When Their Eyes Meet Mine feels somewhat like the soundtrack to an inspiring family film. The intention is to create a level of awareness, an understanding of the changes needed within life and society in order to build a brighter tomorrow.

Paramahansa Yogananda, author of the spiritual classic, Autobiography of a Yogi, taught the world Kriya Yoga. It was written that Steve Jobs had only this book on his iPad and read from it every day for 30 years.

Stylishly blending the soulful purity of Aishi’s performance, with an equally calming soundscape, and the natural unity and beauty of the writing, When Their Eyes Meet Mine helps bring together all of these qualities and teachings as a means of reminding listeners to stay focused on the things they can control, and to keep a calm, content mindset.

A beautiful song, gorgeously captured and delivered with a genuine air of possibility and oneness.

Find & follow Aishi Sarkar on Facebook & Instagram. Check out Macaroon Media on Facebook & Instagram.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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