Jayq the Legend - Body Talk (Raw) - Stereo Stickman

Jayq the Legend Body Talk (Raw)


Former US Marine Jayq the Legend offers up a summer classic with this fine fusion of pop, hip hop and alternative dance-hall rhythms.

Body Talk is a smooth track, mellow and spacious – standing tall on the strength of its own melody and beat, and of Jayq’s own unique vocal style and sense of identity.

A simple, meandering riff adds a beach-side vibe to a heavy yet calm beat, a few other details light up the outer edges, but really what drives the positive energy and bounce of the track is the leading vocal and that four-chord loop running throughout.

Not even reaching the three minute mark, Body  Talk is a song that hits with subtle impact and leaves something of a silent void once it comes to an end. The beat is easy to enjoy, humble and honest, and amidst this Jayq showcases a clear love for singing and performance – pouring personality and passion into the process at every step, making for a song that’s easily memorable, refreshingly simple, and indicative of an artist with a clear connection to the music he makes.

A great performance and a likable melody accompany an outpouring of personal turmoil that helps the listener build a connection with the artist. At the same time, Body Talk is a great track, good vibes drive the musicality of it. The longer EP is one well worth looking out for. You can also catch Jayq the Legend on tour throughout this summer.

Find out more via the label’s Website.

Rebecca Cullen

Founder & Editor

Founder, Editor, Musician & MA Songwriter

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