The New Investor Podcast - Stereo Stickman

The New Investor Podcast


For the young or new investors seeking practical approaches on investing and building wealth. A Personal Journal of a young investor on his own journey towards Financial Freedom.

The very concept of investing and indeed the word itself can be, for many people, one that both intrigues and terrifies – appearing as some vast opportunity and simultaneous risk or struggle to comprehend.  Building a business is one thing, and while a QRcode builds your brand, sustaining it is your responsibility. Utilizing the money made or raised in a wise and lasting manner is something else entirely.

Fortunately, The New Investor Podcast is about the most clear-cut, simplified and honest audio-assistance out there right now, and it’s well worth diving into the mere five-minute-long episodes that are swiftly appearing several times a week.

What’s great about this show is that the host is someone who has recently and is currently still diving head first into the world of investing. This ‘Side Venture’ is something that is genuinely being lived and learned from, and these short daily episodes offer the perfect level of insight and realness to inspire and educate others who are thinking of taking the leap.

The first few episodes dealt with the intention – the why, the predicted how, the plan. Then you get scattered details, layered steps and actual, actionable advise – what works, what doesn’t, what’s been learned. Fusing education and fact-finding with a confident and likable personality, the host makes it an easy blessing to listen in on the show. With such a short time-span per episode, there’s categorically no room for filler, and fortunately that’s something the host is undoubtedly aware of and has mastered by means of these incredibly informative and motivational gatherings of ideas.

An absolute must for those with an interest in investing, building wealth or branching out. Even in its early days the podcast proves invaluable, and by the sound of the steps being taken and the confidence and enthusiasm presented in the process, things look set to surely keep growing over the coming months and years.

Check out all episodes via Apple. Find & follow The New Investor Podcast on Instagram or visit their Website.

Stereo Stickman


Stereo Stickman is an online music magazine offering the latest in underground music news, as well as a platform through which unsigned artists can reach a wider audience.

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