Aptly titled and ready to satisfy your every comic-book and pop-culture need – The Nerd Force Podcast digs deep into all the latest news items and updates ranging from Marvel to DC, StarWars, and just about anything comic-book or pop-culture related that takes the hosts’ fancy.
Presented by Matt Liston and Josh Underwood, The Nerd Force Podcast delivers a natural, laid-back chemistry, and a fair dynamic between personalities that makes it all at once easy to get into, and interesting in terms of different opinions and realism.

Getting straight into things from the offset, each of the 45 episodes already uploaded showcases a clear and unwavering passion for the topic at hand – and there’s plenty to catch up on and binge through.
From StarWars to The Mandela Effect, through DC Justice League Rumours, Reddit Challenges and even current global affairs – such as how the Coronavirus Pandemic is likely to impact nerd culture – the Podcast engages with the subject matter in a direct and detailed way. The opportunities for discussion seem limitless, and every episodes genuinely ventures off into a new and unpredictable area of popular entertainment.
What’s different about the show, is that it does all of this in a classically quiet, analytical or authentically ‘nerdy’ fashion – far from the forced high energy and volume of similar-themed shows. The duo’s approach is refreshingly real, and their clear love for the movies and comic books at hand promises a sense of oneness and effective escapism for anyone with a similar affection.
Check out all episodes via iTunes. Find & follow The Nerd Force Podcast on Facebook & Twitter.